The New Jersey Council for History Education is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to supporting teachers in enhancing instructional capabilities and curriculum through focused professional development. We are a state affiliate of the National Council for History Education and are supported by various partners and sponsors in our mission.


Dr. Henry Kiernan, Executive Director

Cheryl Anne Amendola, Co-President

Kimberly Volz, Co-President

Joseph Dwyer, Vice President, Development

Dr. Christopher Tamburro, Vice President, Communications

Philip Nicolosi, Treasurer

Debbie McGrath, Corresponding Secretary

Joseph Refinski, Liaison to Princeton University

Dr. Anthony DiBattista, Past President


Jennifer Dolan

Paul Ellis-Graham

John Hein

Dr. Jay Hogge

Robert Maher

Christine Sepcie

Ashley Sularz


Dr. Linda J. Colley, Princeton University

Ron Nash, Gilder Lehrman Institute

Dr. John Pyne, Executive Director Emeritus

Elaine W. Reed, Emeritus, NCHE

Gloria Sesso, LICSS